50 Free Things To Do In North Texas

50 Free Things To Do In North Texas

Are you tired of trying to figure out fun places to go and fun things to do without breaking the bank?

This can be a very daunting task, especially if you multiple people of varying ages all with a variety of interests! I have a great tool for you!

If you live in or around the North Texas area, or are planning to visit, THIS list is FOR YOU! In these times we are all trying to find ways to save as much money as we can. Resources like my FREE list of “50 Free Things To Do In North Texas” are invaluable.

North Texas offers so much for everyone. Whether it be Trails, Parks, or Plazas to get in touch with nature. Historical Monuments and Landmarks to educate and explore. Art, Museums and Memorials. Shopping, events and festivals. There is something for everyone and no need to spend alot of money if any.

Imagine a beautiful sunny Texas day our and about at a lovely local park flying a kite. Spending the day exploring trails with your bike or on foot?

One year, I did a scavenger hunt in Downtown Dallas with my kids for our Spring Break Staycation. I paid $20 on Groupon and we spent an entire day learning about all the hidden gems of the Downtown Dallas area and we tried many local owned businesses out along the way. Fun was had by all for $20.

I wish I had this list before then! However, it was worth the $20 I spent BUT FREE is even BETTER! Wouldn’t you agree?

I have lived in Texas most of my life and I was born and raised here. There are so many things on this list that I have never done nor visited! This has been a fun way for me to get to know what my great community has to offer me all for FREE!

So whether you’ve lived here your whole life or new to the area, I’ll bet you find many things on this list to venture out to.

Click below to get your list! It is absolutely FREE. I mean seriously… FREE… 🙂

>>>50 Free Things to Do In North Texas Today List<<<